This online percentage calculator will help you find answers to percentage problems easily. There are separate calculators to find the percentage of a sum, calculate percentage between two numbers, percentage difference between two numbers and also increase or decrease a number by a percentage.
Select a calculator to get started.
p% of N = p/100 * N
What is x% of y?
What percent is x of y?
x is y% of what number?
Formula: Nf = Ni+Ni*P/100 = Ni(1+P/100), where Nf - final value, Ni - starting number, P - percentage to add
Use this calculator to quickly add percentage to a number.
Find Nf
Find P%
Find Ni
For more, see Percentage addition
Formula: Nf = Ni-Ni*P/100 = Ni(1-P/100), where Nf - final value, Ni - starting number, P - percentage to subtract
Use this calculator to subtract percentage from a number.
Find Nf
Find P%
Find Ni
For more, see Percentage subtraction
Find the percentage of increase or decrease between two numbers. The formula for calculation is:-
%change = (Final value - Initial value) / Initial value * 100
For more, see Percentage change
Percentage difference is used for comparision of two numbers, where both numbers refer to the same kind of thing. e.g., comparing the cost per kg between two fruits.
For more, see Percentage difference